Frequently Asked Questions


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¡No te preocupes!, te ayudamos a resolverla.

Once the application is installed on your mobile device, the user must register according to the following instructions:


Your mobile device is required to have the following features:
  1. Android from 5.0 or from iOS 13.0.
  2. RAM memory from 2.0 GB
  3. Storage starting at 180 MB

If you have already registered in the App and still do not receive a Token to be able to enter, we recommend you to carry out the following steps:

  1. Enter your email to check in the SPAM or junk mail folder if you have received email from "SAM" providing a token number.
  2. If when performing the previous validation, you detect that you still do not receive a token, verify that you have registered with the correct email.
  3. If your email account is correct, contact customer service 800 323 4736 to report it:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone number
    • Brand and model of your mobile device
    • Android version
    • App Version

You can download your account statement by following the instructions below:


To report the theft or loss of your card, you can do it from the app, you just have to carry out the following process.


At the moment there is no card replacement charge, you just have to go to the closest CAME branch of your home.

You must contact the customer service line 800 323 4736 to announce that you want to cancel your account, in this way the customer service executive will share your email.

The format that you must fill out, sign and send by that means to the following address:

Email must contain:

  • Full name and email of the owner to communicate the answer.
  • Copy of the document that proves your identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the owner.
  • Complete attached format, signed and scanned in pdf format.
  • A brief statement of the reasons or reasons why you intend to cancel the account.

Once sent, you will be followed up by that means.

The service time is 20 business days.

There is no charge for account cancellation, but it is important that you withdraw the amount you have in the account as soon as possible, since otherwise, when it is canceled, you will not be able to withdraw it later.

Icono Credito Save money

You can open your account with the minimum amount of $100.00 pesos.


The investment terms are 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 months.

No, it is necessary to respect the established time of the contract or term.

You can have the investments you need, all of them will be linked to your account number and/or client.

There is no commission for opening or managing an account, you only have to respect the term of your contract.

The interest rate depends on the amount and the term requested.

Yes, we are regulated by the CONDUSEF and the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV).

Icono Credito Services pay

You can pay for the following services:

  • Property payment
  • Catalogs
  • Government service payment
  • Phone bills
  • Payment of booths
  • TV service payment
  • Electronic pin payment

We recommend you contact the customer service line so that you can validate more information about the payment made.

Have the following information at hand:

  • Full name
  • Telephone number with which you registered in the App
  • Email with which you registered in the App
  • Brand and model of your mobile device
  • Android version
  • App Version
  • Evidence (Screenshot showing the transaction made)

Icono Credito Deposit


There is an income limit of $10,000 per day, in case you deposit larger amounts, your account will be briefly blocked, so it will be necessary to attend a face-to-face interview to release the account again.

This only happens the first time more than $10,000 is deposited, after the interview you will be able to enter any amount without locks.

In the event of blocking your account due to exceeding the income limit, we recommend that you contact the customer service line at 800 323 4736 so that they can support you in generating the day, time and branch where you must attend your face-to-face interview.

You can make your deposits at came branches, as well as at the following authorized establishments:


In 24 hours. working hours is the attention time in which your deposit is reflected, otherwise, we recommend you contact the customer service line at number 800 323 4736 to report the incident presented, we recommend you have the following information at hand:

  • Full name
  • Telephone number with which you registered in the App
  • Email with which you registered in the App
  • Brand and model of your mobile device
  • Android version
  • App Version
  • Evidence (photograph or screenshot of your successful deposit)

Icono Credito Transfers

To transfer between techreo accounts or accounts from other banks, you must enter your techreo app and follow the instructions below:


If you have made a transfer and it is still not reflected, we recommend you wait 24 hours. otherwise, report your situation to the customer service line, it is important that you share evidence of the movement previously made, where you can check transfer data:


For the transfer authorization, the App requests a token number, which must have arrived via SMS to your mobile device:


Icono Credito A loan

The requirements are:

  • Official Identification (credential to vote INE)
  • Proof of address (proof of electricity, telephone, water less than 3 months old)
  • Good credit history
  • Have a business that has been in business for at least 1 year
  • Photos of your business

We invite you to make your request within the app




From $10,000 to $50,000 pesos.

When applying for the credit, before requesting it you will be able to view a credit simulator so that you can validate the correct data.

To acquire a 'Pal Negocio' credit, it is necessary to contract one of our assistance packages. You can choose between basic, premium and platinum.

Any business applies with the exception of piracy, bars, government employees, police, military, or political groups or unions.

It is a 100% digital, simple and secure procedure.

You will receive your money directly into your Techreo account.

If you have complied with your payments in a timely manner, you can request early renewal of your credit.

You can make your request wherever you are, just by entering the Techreo App!

The interest rate depends on the amount and term requested.

Icono Credito Phone recharge

Within the techreo application, you can easily recharge your phone:


We recommend that you contact the customer service line so that you can report the incident presented.

Have the following information at hand:

  • Full name
  • Telephone number with which you registered in the App
  • Email with which you registered in the App
  • Brand and model of your mobile device
  • Android version
  • App Version
  • Evidence (Screenshot showing the transaction made)

Icono Credito Withdrawal

You can make withdrawals at any ATM, paying a commission for performing the operation.

Just as you can make withdrawals without commission at the closest came branch to your home, you can request the withdrawal for yourself or for a beneficiary, you just have to follow the following instructions:


In CAME branches there is no withdrawal limit, you can withdraw the amount you need, however in ATMs of other banks the maximum withdrawal amount per day is $9,000.

Icono Credito My Trades

Within the techreo application, you can view the movements that are made in your account, regarding your credit and the investment operations that you have generated.

Icono Credito Protégeme

It is a section where you will find your ideal protection package in life, health and funeral expenses.

Life, Health and Funeral Expenses.

Life, Health and Funeral Expenses.

  • Life: If the policyholder dies, their beneficiaries are protected by receiving financial support, which depends on the program contracted.
    • Contracting ages: You can contract it at the age of 18 to 70 years, you can continue renewing your policy, however the cancellation is at 74 years.
  • Tú Salud: he client can have telephone medical assistance (without event limits), as well as the following coverage:
    • Accidental death: If the holder dies, the contracted insured sum will be paid to the beneficiaries, with 90 calendar days to make the insurance valid.

      - The first beneficiary for accidental death is the spouse, the second beneficiaries are the parents of the owner and the third are the children.

      - The contracting age is from 18 to 65 years old, you can continue renewing your policy until you are 75 years old, however, as soon as you turn 76, it will be cancelled.

    • Daily rent for hospitalization due to accident or illness: If the holder is hospitalized, he is supported with $300 MXN per day (up to 30 days is valid) to pay the hospital rent. The client can hire him at the age of 18 to 65 years, at 65 years old can renew, however as soon as he turns 66 it will be canceled.
    • General surgical intervention: If the client had to go through a surgical process, he receives support of up to $5,000 pesos, it is important that 30 days after the contracting must have passed in order for it to be valid. The client can contract him at the age of 18 to 69 years old, you can continue to renew your policy until you are 69 years old, as soon as you turn 70 it will be cancelled.
  • Funeral Expenses: If the client requires it, guidance will be provided on funeral legal advice, as well as if the owner dies, they can obtain funeral services.

    - Under 70 years of age, you can make funeral services valid from the 30 days that were contracted.

    - From 70 to 85 years old, you can make funeral services valid from the 60 days that were contracted.

The payment is monthly, however the charge is made in a single payment.

Life Package:
Sum assured Price
$10,000 $10
$20,000 $20
$40,000 $40
Your Health Package:
Funeral Expenses Package:
Age Price
0 - 69 years $12
70 - 85 years $24

We recommend you contact the telephone number 5547-421-774.

Icono Credito Change of password

You have the option to adjust your password, you must enter your current password and set a new password. The password must meet the necessary requirements to be accepted or else it will not allow the change:


If you have forgotten your password and need to enter the app, follow these steps to recover it:


Icono Credito Inactivity

You can select the time of inactivity, having up to 20 minutes, that is, the time in which the application can be open without being used, when the selected time elapses, the application will close your session:


Icono Credito Help

If you want to report an incident that has occurred with the App or have questions about a process, from the App you can validate the contact numbers where customer service is provided:

Icono Credito Biometric security

To enter the App you can activate FaceID (Facial Identification) and/or TouchID (Fingerprint Identification), it is necessary that your mobile device has these functions, otherwise it will not allow you to activate it and they will only show you activate or deactivate notifications.

If your mobile device has the features enabled, it's just a matter of following these steps to activate them in the App:


Icono Credito Request Card

Icono Credito PIN

You can get it in the see pin section, where you will be asked to enter the cvv that is shown on the physical card. Clicking on validate will show the pin.


Icono Credito Permissions

In the "Permissions" section we have the option to activate or deactivate our digital card, as well as enable or disable the different services that are displayed.

To disable any service, you must click on the corresponding icon, to identify the status of each service, you must validate the color in which the icon is shown, green being Enabled and red Disabled.


Icono Credito Accouts

In the account option, the details of your digital card will be displayed, the movements made, as well as we can validate the ccv and digital card number:


From 24 to 72 hours. on business days, otherwise, we recommend that you contact the customer service area to learn more about the status of your credit. You need to have the following information at hand:

  • Full name.
  • Email with which you registered in the App
  • Telephone number that was registered in the App.
  • Date on which the request was made.
  • CURP.
  • Techreo account number

The amount of the credit is from $10,000 pesos to $50,000 pesos.

Call the line 800 323 4736 to request the statement of your Pal' negocios credit. We recommend that you have the following information at hand:

  • Full name
  • Credit number
  • Email with which you registered in the App
  • Telephone number registered in the App

As soon as your credit is approved, the requested and approved amount will be deposited into your techreo account. If in 24 hours you do not see the amount reflected in your account, you will need to contact the customer service area to report the situation. It is important that you have the following on hand:

  • Full name
  • Email registered in the app
  • Mobile number registered in the app
  • The last 4 digits of your techreo card
  • Cell phone brand and model
  • Android/IOS version
  • Screenshot of the movements made in your App
  • Credit amount
  • Day on which you made the request
  • Day your credit was authorized
  • Evidence (Capture of the amortization table or where it is displayed that the credit was approved)
  • Account number

Terms can be monthly or fortnightly.

  • From 6 months to 36 months you can choose the time you want to pay your credit.