Coppel Access


Remittances for all of Mexico, easy, fast, and secure!

No + waiting in lines

Now, with Coppel Access, you can receive your remittances in your techreo account. Anywhere, anytime, make it easy.

Here's how:


sends a little extra money to Rosa
from the USA to Mexico, through


shares her full name and the number linked to her Logo techreo account to receive the remittances.
If you live in the USA and want to send money to someone in Mexico, follow these steps:

Step 1
Download Coppel Access and register.

Step 2
Go to the "Send money" section.

Step 3
Choose the amount to send.

Step 4
Select the techreo recipient.

Step 5
Confirm the techreo account details of the person you're sending money to.

If you live in Open your techreo app.

Step 1
Abre tu app techreo.

Step 2
Check your digital wallet to see if the deposit has arrived.

Step 3
Done! You now have your money in your wallet.

Just like them, you can receive or send remittances with Logo techreo alliance with

Share this tip with someone else so they can receive their money with Logo techreo

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